Pius Organisations
Christian Life Communities The first Parish unit of the CLC in Kerala got instituted at this shrine in 1905. Rev. Fr. James (Jas) Menachery who is still in our sweet memories was the founder director. Now CLC have three wings: Junior, Senior and Professional. The sodality Movement in parish has now attained great strength and its vigour portends greater growth in the years to come. The energetic campaigns being conducted by the movement in matters of contemporary spiritual, economic, educational, and cultural importance has earned for the C.L.C. today a place in the f orefront of Catholic Organisations. >>more
The members gather together and share their spiritual endeavours and pray for the welfare of all. Various age-groups have various sections such as Christeen, Jesus Youth etc. They conduct One-day Retreat every month in which eminent personalities participate and lead the rites. ST.FRANCISCAN ORGANISATION The St.Franciscan Organisation for the laity was founded in 1966, as a follow-up of the Annual Retreat led by the Fransiscans. The members share fraternity and love with the others especially by savings for matrimonial expenses, services to the lepers etc
The Pavaratty unit of this international organisation was formed in 1947 by Mar Joseph Kundukulam (then Asst. Vicar). The most significant contribution of this unit was the dispensary that has now become San Jos Parish Hospital. Besides the members of this organization have ever been ready to meet the demands of time especially in social uplifting » More
Alter boys Association The boys of this Association help to perform the rites and rituals. The members grow in proper Christian spirit to be models to their colleagues.
Darsana Sabha Perhaps the oldest Organization instituted is the Darsana Sabha (the pious group) dedicated to St. Sebastian (1888). The feast of St. Sebastian is celebrated on the first Sunday of the year under the auspices of this unit.
MOTHER GROUP More than 200 mothers of the Parish get together once in a month and share their love among themselves. Besides, conscientization sessions are held to help the members be better mothers. Through their activities in various fields, the proper welfare of the Christian homes is envisaged.
Long 50 years have passed since the unit of Legion of Mary got instituted here. The members grow in piety and loyalty to Blessed Virgin Mary. They help others by visiting the sick, the poor and the afflicted.
CLA The working class are the members of CLA (Catholic Labour Association). Although the workers perform in various fields, they intend to convey the proper Christian spirit wherever they are. The Association has came up with Insurance Schemes for the members.
The St.Franciscan Organisation for the laity was founded in 1966, as a follow-up of the Annual Retreat led by the Fransiscans. The members share fraternity and love with the others especially by savings for matrimonial expenses, services to the lepers etc.