The area called Pavaratty was under the Chittattukara parish for a long time. The church officials of Chittattukara didn’t pay any heed to the request of the people from Pavaratty regarding the time of ceremonies and they decided to build a church on their own at Pavaratty. The ancient Palayur Church was all in support of the venture of the Pavaratty people and allowed them to complete a church with thatched palm – splints and coconut tree-pillars. The simple structure was blessed on the 13th April 1876, on a Maundy Thursday. Without delay, they set out to construct a permanent structure and it was completed in 1880, and the miraculous statue was placed with honour on the main altar.
The church that was blessed in 1880 had only a hall and Pavaratty became a pilgrim centre, space of the hall too meagre to accommodate the faithful; consequently two extensions were effected – one in 1934 and the other in 1961. In 1934, a spacious hall got attached, facing the main altar from the southern side, in 1961 another one from the Northern side. These extensions proved themselves to be falling short of expectations and the present church (The Centenary Memento) was the wish fulfillment. Mar Joseph Kundukulam of Happy Memory, Bishop of Thrissur blessed the foundation stone of the new church on 15th August 1975. The consecration ceremony was mastered by Mar Joseph Kundukulam, assisted by Mar Sebastian Valloppilly, Bishop of Thalassery and Mar Joseph Irimpan of Palakkad. The main altar of the old church is kept unmoved and around it the spacious non- pillared structure of 12500 Sq.ft. has been built. The spirit and enthusiasm of V. Rev. Fr. Zacharias Pudussery and the service mindedness of the people helped for the successful completion of the church.
The Holy statue of St Joseph was brought from the ever-known codar co., Cochin by a parishioner, Olakkengil Maani who is still in our happy memory, and subsequently was placed in the Main altar of the first permanent church that was completed in 1880. Although since then the statue has been blessing all with miracles by way of granting of wishes, the particular veneration began and the church came to be known as a pilgrim center in 1930s.
elcoming of Mar Joseph Kundukulam, Mar Sebastian Vallopity, Mar Joseph Irinpan by the Vicar Zacharias Pudussery for The consecration ceremony. The consecration ceremony of the newly built Centenary memorial Church was mastered by Mar Joseph Kundukulam,
by Mar Sebastian Valloppilly, Bishop of Thalassery and Mar Joseph Irimpan of Palakkad. The Parishioners will recall the warmth and love, and the spirit and enthusiasm of V. Rev. Fr. Zacharias Pudussery with gratitude; the service mindedness of the parishioners also helped for the successful completion of the church. The consecration ceremony inferred by Mar
Joseph Kundukulam, assisted by Mar Sebastian Vallopity, Mar Joseph Irinpan. The high mass on new Alter by Mar Joseph Kundukulam, Mar Sebastian Vallopity, Mar Joseph Irinpan after the consecration ceremony.